Chapter 213 - Ambush

Zhang Jun immediately gathered all the troops, and was ready to chase after Zhao Chen!

However, after experiencing so many battles, Zhang Jun's army was severely injured! His Zhang Jia Jun was originally one hundred thousand people, but now, there were more than twelve thousand dead. There were also nearly twenty thousand injured people who were unable to move!

In other words, Zhang Jun could only mobilize less than 70,000 troops!

At this moment, the army under his command was moving slowly towards the west!

"Damned Emperor Xuanwu, they actually caused me such a huge loss! Once I, Zhang Jun, capture you alive, I will definitely make you live a life worse than death! " Looking at the situation of his own army, Zhang Jun said with gritted teeth.

"General, our soldiers didn't sleep last night, and now they are exhausted. Should we let them rest for a while?" Are we going to chase after Emperor Xuanwu tomorrow? " One of Zhang Jun's deputy generals called Liu He asked.

"Bastard!" Emperor Xuanwu was here last night, he had only escaped not too long ago! We must pursue them now and not waste any time! " Zhang Jun scolded.

"General, we suffered heavy losses last night! No one knew how many soldiers and horses the Emperor Xuanwu had under his command. If we go after them, are we their match? "What should we do?" Liu He said again.

"Hmph, the reason we suffered such heavy losses last night was because of the army camp explosion. Emperor Xuanwu was just a youth, without virtue and without function! He only has a few thousand men and horses under his command right now, so if we, your army, chase after him, we will definitely capture him alive! " Zhang Jun sneered.

The soldiers in the army were exceptionally tired, so the speed at which they marched was extremely slow! Seeing this, Zhang Jun became furious. He called for the supervising team to watch from the back to urge the soldiers to move forward! If any of the soldiers fell behind, it would be a brutal beating! Zhang Jun was abnormally brutal with his soldiers, and he was abnormally brutal with his subordinates! After a while, Zhang Jun came to the back of the army and used his horsewhip to whip the soldiers.

"Faster!" If we capture the Emperor Xuanwu, then it would be no doubt that our contributions will be great and your contributions wouldn't be small either! At that time, I will reward you greatly and not be stingy! Faster! "Damn thing!" Zhang Jun cursed fiercely from behind!

His subordinates were mainly the infantry, so right now, he could only drive them forward!

When he passed by the Liu Jiajia, Zhang Jun found Liu Guangshi and asked him to lend him ten thousand cavalrymen, but Liu Guangshi refused to do so no matter what! Zhang Jun had no choice but to bring the infantry forward!

At dusk, seventy thousand people from the Zhang Jia Jun arrived near the Southern Mountain.

After arriving here, Zhang Jun was extremely cautious. Yesterday, Liu Guangshi suffered a huge loss here, he was not willing to suffer a huge loss here!

However, along the way, they did not encounter any ambushes! Zhang Jun was finally relieved!

He knew that the terrain of the Southern Mountain was complex, so he didn't dare to stay here for long! He was still urging the soldiers to move forward!

It was only until midnight that they finally arrived at the plains!

After arriving here, Zhang Jun ordered a camp! The soldiers had been rushing around for days. Now, they were truly exhausted! The soldiers then set up their tents, lit a bonfire, and prepared to sleep!

They had just lain down for less than an hour when they heard the sound of horses' hooves coming from afar!

Zhao Chen, Kang An had already led five thousand Royal soldiers to this place! However, their sneak attack did not succeed this time. As one of the four generals of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhang Jun's use of troops was no small matter. Just as they arrived, Zhang Jun's subordinates had already discovered it! At this moment, waves of roars could be heard from within Zhang Jun's camp, as countless generals began shouting for their subordinates!

"Your Majesty, they are on guard!" Kang An said.

"It doesn't matter even if we are on guard! We will pass by their army and let them enjoy the rain of arrows! " Zhao Chen laughed.

They passed by the Zhang Jia Jun military camp and shot waves of arrows towards it! Only after that did they start to move forward! When they reached the front, they stopped not long after! At the moment, the Zhang Jia Jun had caught up, Zhao Chen ordered his men to continue shooting, and when the Zhang Jia Jun got closer and closer to them, they left!

This was the strategy of the Mongols, although the Mongols had not risen to power yet, Zhao Chen was familiar with it since he came from the later generations.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Zhang Jia Jun were filled with indignation! In the darkness of the night, Zhang Jun did not dare to order her soldiers to continue chasing! He quickly gave the order to count the casualties!

The result showed that there were more than three hundred casualties. Compared to the seventy thousand man army, this amount of casualties was nothing, but Zhang Jun was even more furious!

Zhang Jun did not allow the soldiers to rest, but allowed them to travel through the night.

They travelled through the night just like that, but along the way, they constantly encountered harassment from the Managed. He did not have any riders under his command, so he was helpless against the Managed's harassment! Fortunately, Managed was only shooting from the side and did not dare to attack their army directly. As a result, the casualties caused by these harassment were not many!

When dawn of the 16th of the first month arrived, they finally arrived in front of a small town!

Seeing this little town, Zhang Jun's face revealed a relaxed smile!

"Have the soldiers rush over immediately!" Besides, tell the soldiers to relax as well! Those lowly commoners in here, tell them to give out all their property, otherwise, it would be a dead end! And those women, they have to offer themselves up! " Zhang Jun sneered.

When the soldiers of the Zhang Jia Jun saw this little town, they were extremely excited. When Zhang Jun gave her order, they became even more excited!

However, when they rushed into the little town, they discovered that there was not a single person in the little town!

"General, there's no one inside." Liu He came to Zhang Jun's side and said.

"No one? Humph! This Emperor Xuanwu deserved to die! When we took down Chang'an, there was not a single person inside. Right now, not a single person is in this town either! Is there food in here? " Zhang Jun said.

"Nor!" Liu He shook his head and said.

"Damn it! Forget it, our brothers haven't slept all night. Let them rest here for a while! It will be difficult for them to harass us here! " Zhang Jun said.

Liu He nodded and immediately executed Zhang Jun's orders!

Zhang Jun himself was feeling tired, hence he too found a room to rest in.

But after less than an hour, Zhang Jun suddenly felt that something was amiss, he suddenly opened his eyes and pushed open the door!

He saw black smoke billowing outside and the town was filled with fireworks!

"Damn it!" Fast! Get out of here! " Zhang Jun shouted loudly!

He was already rushing out of the town. The soldiers who noticed that something was amiss also rushed out as well! However, there were some soldiers who were too tired to notice that a big fire was starting at the moment as they were all in a deep slumber! After Zhang Jun rushed out, seeing that there were not many people left, he anxiously ordered his men to wake up the soldiers who were still sleeping.

A full two hours later, the small town was already burnt to ashes. Only then did all the Zhang Jia Jun s come out! Many of the Zhang Jia Jun's soldiers were covered in dirt and grime.

"How many of us are dead?" Zhang Jun clenched his teeth and asked.

"About 500 of our brothers have died!" Liu He.

"Emperor Xuanwu, I won't forgive you!" Zhang Jun was extremely angry!

Although not many people died, Zhang Jun felt that it was a great humiliation! He simply looked down upon Zhao Chen, as he felt that this useless emperor had brought him too much humiliation!

"General, what should we do now?" Liu He.

"Continue on your way!" We must catch up to the Emperor Xuanwu! " Zhang Jun gritted his teeth.

After walking for four hours, they arrived near a small mountain! Zhang Jun saw that his soldiers were exhausted, and immediately ordered his soldiers to rest at the foot of the mountain.

However, at this moment, boulders suddenly rolled down the mountain!

The huge rock rolled down with a huge momentum. Countless soldiers were crushed into smithereens without being able to dodge in time!

Zhang Jun was furious to the extreme, he immediately ordered his soldiers to chase and kill the enemies! But by the time they reached the mountain, the enemies had already disappeared! Zhang Jun ordered his soldiers to keep going deep into the mountains! Not long after that, however, the sounds of fighting could be heard from within the mountain. Who knew how many ambushes there were in the mountains? Quite a number of his men had died in the mountains!

When the sky turned dark, Zhang Jun had already withdrawn all his army, leaving only sixty thousand people behind!

"How could this be? How could this be? " Zhang Jun simply could not accept this fact!

"General, there are enemy troops everywhere, why don't we wait for Lord Qin to lead the rest of the army here before chasing after him?" Liu He carefully suggested.

"Absolutely not! I must capture Emperor Xuanwu alive and tear him into ten thousand pieces! This small mountain has many enemies. Let's not enter them, we will keep heading towards the west! " Zhang Jun gritted his teeth.

On this night, when they were resting, they met with harassment once again. It was still Zhao Chen and Kang An who led the five thousand Managed s! At first, Zhang Jun did not pay much attention to them, but these five thousand soldiers of the Managed s, from east to west, from south to north, were all unable to fall asleep. Zhang Jun was helpless, and continued to chase from the west with the Zhang Jia Jun.

They did not sleep for two days and two nights. When dawn of the third day arrived, they were ambushed again in a forest!

Zhang Jun led the army and entered the forest, but there were traps and traps everywhere in the forest! Soldiers were constantly falling into the traps as they screamed miserably! From one side of the forest to the other, they could only see the footprints left by the enemy, but not a single enemy was found!

Today, Zhang Jun was still heading west, and were surrounded by traps along the way. At night, Zhang Jun decided to not let the soldiers rest and continued to head west. He was prepared to take down Wu Gong County City and rest there!

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